Gouki Aratake, the strongest delinquent in Seisen Middle School, yearns to be like his reformed upperclassman the former gang leader "Shiroyan" (White Devil) who is actually Naoya Shirakawa of the Idiot Trio, but upon following them around for a bit, the gang deduce Naoya has gone soft. Aratake appears at Seika High and abducts a cross-dressing Yukimura, who they mistake for Naoya's girlfriend. Misaki, Usui, the Idiot Trio and Aoi (who studies at Seisen) go to rescue him. After changing into disguises, and a few interruptions by their friends, they sneak into Aratake's hideout and find him arguing with one of his friends over Naoya. A fistfight erupts between Naoya and Aratake, which Naoya wins. Aratake reveals he only wanted to be strong like Naoya, who gives him some words of encouragement. With the ordeal over, the Idiot Trio introduce Misaki to the gang as their "Chief Maid President," a more fearsome gangster than them, much to her horror. Amidst the chaos, everyone forgets about Yukimura.